15 Easy Ways To Find Leads on LinkedIn in 2024

As a professional, gaining maximum advantage from your LinkedIn profile is pivotal to a successful lead generation strategy.

LinkedIn, with its powerful suite of tools and features, provides numerous opportunities to optimize your outreach.

how to find leads on linkedin 1

It grants you unparalleled access to a global network of potential customers, from decision-makers to influencers, all using LinkedIn for knowledge-sharing, networking, and business promotion.

One such potent tool offered by LinkedIn is the LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

With its Advanced Search Filters, you can target your audience with a laser-like precision based on a myriad of criteria like job titlegeographic locationindustry, and more, streamlining your lead generation efforts and bringing in high-quality LinkedIn lead generation results.

Sales Navigator Advanced Search Filters

Sales Navigator is a premium LinkedIn tool that helps you find and connect with your ideal prospects.

It is much more powerful than the basic LinkedIn search engine.

One of the best features of Sales Navigator is the advanced search filters that allow you to narrow down your search results based on various criteria, such as:

  • industry
  • location
  • job title
  • company size
  • seniority level
  • and more.

To use Sales Navigator advanced search filters, follow these steps:

Sales Navigator advanced search filters can help you find high-quality leads that are more likely to convert.

You can also use Boolean operators to refine your search queries and get more accurate results.

(more about that later).

Export from LinkedIn leads and get emails

Once you have your lead lists ready on Sales Navigator, the next step is to export it to a CSV file and get the emails.

Export Sales Navigator leads with Evaboot

To export from LinkedIn leads and get emails, follow these steps:

  • Install a Chrome extension like Evaboot that allows you to export LinkedIn profiles and get verified emails.
  • Go to your Sales Navigator search or list.
  • Click on the Evaboot icon on the top right corner of your browser click on “Export with Evaboot”

Exporting leads from LinkedIn leads and getting emails can help you save time and effort in finding and contacting prospects.

export sales navigator lead lists 1024x452 1

Once you get a CSV of qualified leads with emails, you can upload it into a LinkedIn automation tools are a cold email tool to automate your outreach.

Export LinkedIn Event Attendees

LinkedIn events are a great way to find leads who are interested in a specific topic or industry.

You can join events hosted by other people or organizations or create your own events to attract your target audience.

export linkedin event attendees 1

To export LinkedIn event attendees, follow these steps:

  • Go to the event page of an event you want to target or create your own event and invite people to join.
  • Click on the Attendees tab to see who is attending or interested in the event.
  • Use Phantombuster to export the list
export list attendees linkedin events

Exporting LinkedIn event attendees can help you find leads who are already engaged with your topic or industry. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and follow up with them after the event.

Export LinkedIn Post Likers & Commenters

LinkedIn posts are another source of finding leads who are active and interested in your content. You can create your own posts or engage with other people’s posts to generate interest and awareness for your brand.

export linkedin post commenters and likers

To export LinkedIn post likers & commenters, follow these steps:

  • Go to the post you want to target or create your own post and share valuable content with your network.
  • Copy the link of the post
  • Paste into Phantombuster to export into a CSV file
export likers from linkedin post

Exporting LinkedIn post likers & commenters can help you find leads who are already familiar with your offer. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and start a conversation with them.

Export LinkedIn Group Members

LinkedIn groups are a great way to find leads who are interested in a specific niche or industry. You can join groups related to your business or create your own groups to attract your target audience.

Export Sales Navigator leads with Evaboot

To export LinkedIn group members, follow these steps:

  • Go to Sales Navigator
  • Select groups in the group filter
  • Click on export with Evaboot
export linkedin group members

Exporting LinkedIn group members can help you find leads who are interested in your niche or industry. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and offer value to them.

Export Competitors LinkedIn Followers

smart way to find leads on LinkedIn is to target your competitors’ followers. These are people who are already interested in your industry and may be looking for alternatives or solutions that you can offer.

To export competitors’ LinkedIn followers, follow these steps:

  • Create a new LinkedIn account
  • Subscribe to Sales Navigator using a different credit card then your main account
  • Add a current job experience in your competitor’s company
  • Wait a few days
  • Come back and select the company followers filter “Following your company”
  • Export the list with Evaboot
find leads linkedin competitors followers

Exporting competitors’ LinkedIn followers can help you find leads who are already aware of your industry and may have pain points that you can solve. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Master LinkedIn Boolean Search

Boolean search is a technique that allows you to combine keywords with operators such as ANDORNOT, and parentheses to create more complex and precise search queries.

You can use Boolean search on LinkedIn to find leads based on multiple criteria, such as job title, industry, location, skills, etc.

To master LinkedIn Boolean searchfollow these tips:

  • Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, such as “content marketing”.
  • Use AND to search for leads who meet all of your criteria, such as “content marketing” AND “SEO”.
  • Use OR to search for leads who meet any of your criteria, such as “content marketing” OR “SEO”.
  • Use NOT to exclude leads who meet certain criteria, such as “content marketing” NOT “SEO”.
  • Use parentheses to group terms and create more complex queries, such as (“content marketing” OR “SEO”) AND (“manager” OR “director”).
linkedin boolean search

Mastering LinkedIn Boolean search can help you find leads who match your specific requirements and preferences. You can also use Boolean search on Sales Navigator to get more advanced results.

Look at Your Profile Visitors

A simple way to find leads on LinkedIn is to look at who visited your profile. These are people who have shown interest in you or your business and may be potential customers for your product or service.

who viewed profile linkedin

To look at your profile visitors, follow these steps:

  • Go to your LinkedIn profile and click on the Who viewed your profile button on the right side of the page.
  • See who visited your profile in the past 90 days and how they found you.
  • Use TexAu to export the profiles

Looking at your profile visitors can help you find leads who are curious about you or your business. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and remind them of why they visited your profile.

Look for Alumni on LinkedIn

A great way to find leads on LinkedIn is to look for alumni from your school or university. These are people who have a common background with you and may be more receptive to your message.

To look for alumni on LinkedIn, you can look for alumni groups and events using LinkedIn search. You can also use the LinkedIn alumni tool on the LinkedIn school pages.

find alumni leads on linkedin

Looking for alumni on LinkedIn can help you find leads who have a shared connection with you and may be more willing to trust you. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and mention your common alma mater.

Target Based on Technologies

f you are selling a product or service that is related to a specific technology, you can find leads on LinkedIn who are using or interested in that technology.

You can use the Technologies filter on Sales Navigator or the Skills & Endorsements section on LinkedIn profiles to identify your prospects.

To target based on technologies, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to Sales Navigator and click on the Lead filters button on the homepage.
  • Select the Technologies filter and choose the technology you want to target, such as WordPress, Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.
  • Review the list of leads who are using or interested in that technology and save them to a list for future outreach.
technology used linkedin

Alternatively, you can go to the profile of a person you want to target and scroll down to the Skills & Endorsements section. See if they have the technology you are looking for listed as one of their skills or endorsed by others.

For example, targeting based on technologies can help you find e-commerce leads on LinkedIn who are likely to need or benefit from your product or service.

You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and demonstrate how you can help them with their technology challenges.

Find LinkedIn Premium Members

clever way to find leads on LinkedIn is to target premium members.

These are people who have invested in their professional development and networking and may be more open to new opportunities and solutions.

To find LinkedIn premium members, you can visit the profiles manually on look for the LinkedIn premium badge:

find linkedin premium leads

Unfortunately, there is no “Premium” Filter on LinkedIn.

What you can do to find LinkedIn premium profiles in bulk is to:

  • Make a Sales Navigator search
  • Export the search with Evaboot
  • Look for the column “IS PREMIUM”
  • Filters on yes

That will give you all the premium profiles in your search.

Finding LinkedIn premium members can help you find leads who are more serious and committed to their professional growth and success. You can also use this data to personalize your outreach and acknowledge their premium status.

Identify Open Profiles

An easy way to find leads on LinkedIn is to identify open profiles. These are profiles that allow anyone to view their full profile information and contact details without being connected or having a premium account.

You can also send them InMails for free.

Export Sales Navigator leads with Evaboot

It’s really painful to identify Open Profiles manually. And you there isn’t an “Open Profile” filter to apply on your searches.

If you want to easily identify open profiles, follow these steps:

  • Make a Sales Navigator search
  • Export the search with Evaboot
  • Look for the column “IS OPEN PROFILE”
  • Filter on “YES”

Identifying open profiles can help you find leads who are more accessible and responsive to your messages.

Search LinkedIn Profiles with Google

smart way to find leads on LinkedIn is to search LinkedIn profiles with Google. This can help you bypass some of the limitations of LinkedIn search, such as the number of results, filters, and visibility.

You can use Google’s advanced search operators to find LinkedIn profiles based on various criteria, such as site, intitle, inURL, etc.

To search LinkedIn profiles with Googlefollow these tips:

  • Use the site operator to limit your search to LinkedIn, such as site:linkedin.com.
  • Use the intitle operator to search for keywords in the title of the profile, such as intitle:”content marketing”.
  • Use the inURL operator to search for keywords in the URL of the profile, such as inurl:”/in/”.
  • Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase, such as “content marketing manager”.
  • Use the minus sign to exclude keywords from your search, such as -“SEO”.
  • Use parentheses to group terms and create more complex queries, such as (site:linkedin.com/in/) AND (“content marketing” OR “SEO”) AND (“manager” OR “director”).
search linkedin with google

Searching LinkedIn profiles with Google can help you find leads who may not show up on LinkedIn search or who have hidden their profiles from non-connections. You can also use this technique to find leads on other social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Use Sales Navigator Alerts

A great way to find leads on LinkedIn is to use Sales Navigator alerts. These are notifications that inform you of any changes or updates on your saved leads or accounts, such as job changescompany newsmentionsshares, etc.

find leads with linkedin sales navigator alerts

To use Sales Navigator alerts, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to Sales Navigator and click on the Lists tab on the top menu.
  • Select Leads or Accounts to see your saved lists of prospects.
  • Click on the Alerts tab to see the latest updates on your leads or accounts.
  • Review the alerts and take action accordingly, such as sending a congratulatory message, commenting on a post, sharing an article, etc.
linkedin sales navigator alerts

Using Sales Navigator alerts can help you find leads who are more engaged and relevant to your business. You can also use this feature to personalize your outreach and stay top of mind with your prospects.

Publish Content on LinkedIn

A powerful way to find leads on LinkedIn is to publish content on LinkedIn. This can help you showcase your expertise, attract your target audience, and generate interest and awareness for your brand.

To publish content on LinkedIn, you can start with these 3 types of post:

  1. Celebrations
  2. How To’s
  3. Stories

They usually perform well.

find leads with linkedin posts

Becoming a LinkedIn influencer can help you find leads who are interested in your topic and industry. You can also use this strategy to establish your authority and credibility and build trust with your prospects.

For example here are meetings I got from only one LinkedIn post:

lead generation with linkedin post


LinkedIn is a goldmine for finding leads for your business. You can use various features, tools, and techniques to find and connect with your ideal prospects.

However, finding leads is only the first step. You also need to nurture them and convert them into customers.

To do that, you need a powerful tool like Evaboot that can help you automate and optimize your LinkedIn lead generation process.

Evaboot is a Chrome extension that allows you to export LinkedIn profiles and get verified emails in seconds. You can also use Evaboot to export leads from Linkedin Sales Navigator searches, groups, events, posts, and more.

If you want to try Evaboot for free and see how it can boost your lead generation efforts, click here to get started today.


This content was partly written by AI (ChatGPT 4), I added my own perspective, fact-checked it and made sure it is helpful for you.

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