How to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator Boolean Search? 2025

Are you having trouble using Sales Navigator’s search filters to find leads that don’t meet your prospect criteria?

Then, give LinkedIn Sales Navigator Boolean Search a try.

This technique can transform your LinkedIn lead generation process, making it more efficient and accurate.

In this guide, you will learn:

  1. What are LinkedIn Boolean Logic Searches?
  2. How to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator Boolean Search?
  3. How to Search For Keywords On Sales Navigator?
  4. How to export LinkedIn Sales Navigator Boolean Search Results?

Let’s see how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for the maximum results.

What Are LinkedIn Boolean Logic Searches?

LinkedIn Boolean Logic searches is a query technique that combines words and phrases with Boolean operators.

boolean operators on linkedin sales navigator

Boolean Operators are the following 5 logical connectors:

  1. AND
  2. OR
  3. NOT
  4. Parentheses ()
  5. Quotation marks “”

LinkedIn Boolean searches limit, narrow, or expand your keyword searches to find your prospects.

They reduce the number of unqualified leads in your search results.

Boolean Search is compatible with all LinkedIn search engines:

How To Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator Boolean Search?

To use Sales Navigator Boolean search efficiently, you need to master all the 5 Boolean modifiers:

  1. Search for expressions with quotation marks
  2. Search several keywords with AND
  3. Search at least one keyword with OR
  4. Exclude keywords with NOT
  5. Combine Boolean queries with parentheses

1. Search for expressions with quotation marks

Quotation marks allow you to search for an exact phrase or search terms that contain:

  • Multiple words
  • Punctuation marks

To search for a phrase of several words, enclose the phrase in quotation marks.

better results with quotes boolean search

You can use these in addition to other modifiers. For example:

  • “sales manager”
  • “V.P”
  • “account representative”
  • “human resources manager”

If you forgot to add the quotes to sales manager, LinkedIn will understand “sales AND manager

how to use quotes sales navigator boolean search

You can see that some search results are not relevant in the screenshot above.

However, the results were much better in the first screenshot, where I searched “sales manager” in the search area.

This is important to consider if you want to build qualified lead lists and avoid contacting people outside your target.

2. Search several keywords with AND

If you want to search for profiles that include two terms, you can separate those terms with AND.

Always written in uppercase letters, the AND operator helps refine your search to include results containing all specified terms.

what is and boolean operator

Here are two examples of the searches that I’ve done myself:

  • Sales AND Director
  • “Sales manager” AND “Sales director”
and boolean operator search example

With the first two terms, the search engine assumes that there is an AND between them anyway. So you’ll get the same results even without the AND.

and boolean operator linkedin sales navigator search

For the second search, I typed “sales manager” AND “sales director,” and got profiles featuring the sales manager and sales director.

That is exactly what I was looking for.

3. Search at least one keyword with OR

If you want to broaden your search to find profiles that include one or more terms, you can separate those terms with OR.

or boolean operator

OR is often used to search for alternate spellings or terms that mean the same thing.

For example:

  • “Sales Operations” OR “Sales Ops”
  • “Vice President” OR “VP” OR “V.P.” OR “SVP” OR “EVP”
or boolean operator sales navigator

This operator is especially useful for encompassing various phrases in one search, like “content writer” OR “content marketer” OR “copywriter”.

4. Exclude keywords with NOT

If you want to exclude a particular term from your search, type that term with the NOT operator before it.

not boolean operator

Your search results will exclude any profile containing that term.

Let’s see a live example.

Here, I added the keyword “CEO” in the title filter

how to use not boolean search sales navigator

You can see that I have more than 26K results.

not boolean operator example  sales navigator

If I change it to CEO NOT Assistant, you can see that I excluded 1000 “CEO assistants” from my search.

exclude keyword from boolean search sales navigator

I can do the same thing by adding the keyword and clicking the exclusion button.

not boolean operator exclusion filter on linkedin sales navigator

Once you click, the button will appear in red, and the exclusion will work exactly as if you had put a NOT Boolean operator.

5. Combine Boolean queries with Parentheses

Parentheses are important tools used to combine terms and phrases together, enabling the creation of more complex search queries.

For example:

  • Marketing AND (B2B OR B2C)

This will look for a profile containing Marketing AND B2B OR Marketing AND B2B.

parenthesis sales navigator boolean search

Once you know how to use Parentheses, you can take your LinkedIn Search Navigator lead generation strategies to the next level with Boolean searches.

There are two places where you search for keywords on LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  1. The global keyword search
  2. The current job title search

1. The global keyword search

The global keyword you put in the search bar will look for them everywhere in the profiles of all the prospects:

  1. Description
  2. About Section
  3. Job experiences
  4. Education
  5. Skills
  6. Recommendation
  7. Etc…
sales navigator boolean search keyword filter

2. The current job title search

The current job title search will only look for keywords in the current job title of your prospects.

sales navigator boolean search in job title

That is all the experience with the “Present” tag.

present tag job experience

This is how I search for most of my leads on LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

How To Export Sales Navigator Boolean Search Results?

Once you complete your Boolean search on LinkedIn Sales Navigator and have your list of prospects, you can export the lead lists from Sales Navigator to a CSV with Evaboot.

Evaboot will also:

  1. Double-check every profile to see if Sales Navigator correctly applied your Boolean Search filters.
  2. Clean the names of your prospects. People love to add emojis or capital letters to their names. Evaboot cleans the rubbish in the data so that you get clean names for your CRM and cold outreach campaigns.

Combining Sales Navigator advanced search filters and Evaboot is a great combo to start getting results with LinkedIn prospecting.

After this, you can use these lead data as you wish. Send inmails, emails, or cold calls. You can even merge all these tactics into a multichannel outreach campaign.


Boolean search is a powerful tool that helps you target and find decision-makers and leads faster.

Combining Boolean search, exclusion, and other advanced filters will make your prospecting even more effective.

Remember to follow these tips and experiment with different search strings to see what works best for your needs.


Can you use Boolean searches in LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Yes, LinkedIn supports Boolean search. You can use Boolean operators in the global keyword search, the current job title search, and the company field in the Sales Navigator.

How does Boolean search work on LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

You can perform a Boolean search in Sales Navigator by combining keywords with operators such as AND, NOT, OR, parenthesis, and quotation marks.

And note that Sales Navigator ignores words such as “by,” “in,” and “with” to optimize performance.

What are Boolean search benefits on LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Boolean search in LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you narrow search results and find specific Sales Navigator leads.

Combining keywords with Boolean operators (like AND, OR, NOT) helps you create complex queries that return prospects that match your exact criteria.

What are the disadvantages of Boolean search on Sales Navigator?

The biggest drawback to Boolean search is that it can be complex and time-consuming.

Even with a basic understanding, they’re not perfect. You can spend hours refining your search only to get poor results.

A small error in your terms can drastically affect both your results and searches.

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