How to Manage Multiple LinkedIn Accounts? [2024 Tutorial]

LinkedIn recently implemented a new limit of 100 invitations per week. Before that, the limit was 100/day.

And you may think that prospecting with multiple accounts could be a solution if you want to know how to keep scaling your LinkedIn outreach campaigns.

However, things are not that simple.

But fear not, cause I always got solutions for you.

The key solution is knowing that all you need is LinkedIn automation to facilitate everything.

In this guide, you will learn:

  1. Can You Have Multiple LinkedIn Accounts?
  2. Why Have Multiple LinkedIn Profiles?
  3. How to manage Multiple LinkedIn Accounts with Chrome Sessions
  4. Manage Multiple LinkedIn Accounts for Lead Generation

So, let’s dive in.

Can You Have Multiple LinkedIn Accounts?

LinkedIn’s User Agreement and Professional Community Policies don’t allow creating multiple profiles.

Technically, you can’t have more than one account to your name.

linkedin donts user aggreement

However, if you change your first and last name and upload a different picture, you can create an account for another identity.

And note that LinkedIn allows you to duplicate accounts in several languages.

duplicate linkedin profile

As long as you respect LinkedIn limits, you won’t have problems.

LinkedIn’s limits may be another reason you need to create other accounts.

If you create a different account under a VPN, LinkedIn might not detect it initially, and then restrict your account over time.

But keep reading, as we’re getting to our solution.

Why Have Multiple LinkedIn Profiles?

Several reasons can make you to manage different LinkedIn accounts:

  1. Creating new accounts to scale your LinkedIn outreach
  2. Managing your clients’ accounts as an agency or a freelancer
  3. Duplicating your profile in other languages
  4. Separating your professional and personal LinkedIn account

All these reasons are legit.

And I know you might be tempted to create multiple LinkedIn accounts to cover all your different gigs or services, but that’s actually not the best move.

LinkedIn wants everyone to stick to just one account. It keeps your network strong and all your connections in one place, which is the whole point of the platform.

But stick to this: here are all the tips to manage your multiple LinkedIn accounts.

How To Manage Multiple LinkedIn Accounts With Chrome Sessions?

To manage multiple accounts at the same time, Chrome sessions are really handy.

manage multiple linkedin accounts chrome session

The first step is to create various Chrome profiles. For that:

  1. Click on your profile picture
  2. Click on add
  3. Click “continue without account”
  4. Select a name for your profile
chrome session linkedin profile

Once you have created your Chrome profile, log in to LinkedIn and check “Remember me”.

one linkedin profile per chrome session

If you repeat this operation, you will be able to easily manage multiple accounts by having multiple Chrome sessions opened at the same time.

manage 2 linkedin accounts chrome sessions

Chrome sessions are useful to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts manually. However, if you want to use multiple profiles and use them for LinkedIn prospecting, you will need another tool.

Manage Multiple LinkedIn Accounts for Lead Generation

5 steps to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts:

  1. Connect your LinkedIn profiles to Linked Helper
  2. Add a proxy to your LinkedIn accounts
  3. Set up safe automation limits
  4. Upload your leads
  5. Build your message sequences

1. Connect your LinkedIn profiles to Linked Helper

To easily create our LinkedIn Account fleet, we’ll use Linked Helper. It’s been in the game for a long time now.

how to create multiple linkedin accounts

Here are the first steps:

  1. Download the web app
  2. See your cofounders or your Sales
  3. Ask for their credentials

It’s better if you automate an account with a real human behind.

If you really can’t have someone, you can create a fake account:

  1. Choose a picture on This Person Does Not Exist
  2. Fill as much information as possible to make it look real
  3. Don’t automate the first week. Connect and send messages to people manually.

Once you have credentials, click on “Add new” and connect.

add a new account linkedin helper

Your freshly created account will appear on your dashboard. You can enjoy a 1-month free trial for your first account.

Later, you must buy licenses and assign them to your accounts.

assign license to linkedin account

You can now click “Open” and connect to the LinkedIn Account on your machine.

You can navigate LinkedIn like you were on your real browser! Congratulations, you’ve created the first account of your fleet.

But this is not the end…

2. Add a proxy to your LinkedIn accounts

If you automate too many LinkedIn accounts on the same computer (IP address), LinkedIn will catch you in seconds.

That’s why you need proxies.

To manage multiple LinkedIn accounts and stay under the radar, you need proxies or VPNs.

A LinkedIn proxy changes the IP address you access a LinkedIn account.

It’s not necessary if you’re only managing your own account. However, LinkedIn proxies are primarily used when you manage someone else’s account, allowing you to manage multiple accounts securely and without IP conflicts.

So, go to and buy an IPV6 Proxy.

buy proxy linkedin helper

Choose the country where you want your LinkedIn account to operate. As you can see, it’s cheap.

linkedin proxy prices

Once you buy the proxy, go to “My proxies.”

There you’ll find the information you need to connect it to Linked Helper.

add proxies to your multiple linkedin accounts

Pick your LinkedIn account and enter the information given to your Proxy6.

add the proxy into linkedin helper


  1. Click on Assign Proxy
  2. Add New
  3. Enter Info
  4. Click on Test and Save
  5. Choose the proxy you just added
  6. Click on “Assign”

After, you should have the proxy assigned to your LinkedIn account.

open linkedin helper account

All good!

You can now open your new LinkedIn account and navigate safely on multiple LinkedIn accounts without being caught by LinkedIn.

You can repeat this process on as many accounts as you want.

If your accounts are cold, remember to warm them the first week manually.

3. Set up safe automation limits

You must set up the right limitations to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts and stay safe.

  1. Open an account
  2. Go to settings
  3. Click on limits

set limits linkedin helper

Create a “human-like” behavior

  1. Randomize hours
  2. Don’t automate on weekends
  3. 150 actions/day

set days limit linkedin helper

Go to “Advanced Limits”.

Set it up to:

  1. 100 invitations a week = 5 x 25 invitations/day
  2. 100 messages/day

set hourly limit linkedin helper

You should be safe with this.

4. Upload your leads

Click on “campaigns” and create your first campaign.

create campaign linkedin helper

Go to List -> Add contact to add your prospects.

add contact into linkedin message sequence

Go to Upload Profiles URLs -> Upload CSV file. You only got 100 invitations/week.

Make sure the profiles you upload are qualified prospects for your business.

You have fewer bullets to aim at the right target… So don’t waste them!

If you want to build qualified lead lists and avoid contacting people who are not relevant to your business:

  1. Use Sales Navigator instead of a basic LinkedIn search. Sales Navigator advanced filters will allow you to create curated lead lists.
  2. Use Evaboot to export your lead lists from LinkedIn Sales Navigator and double-check them.

Sales Navigator often makes mistakes due to how the filter works, and Evaboot will help you automatically detect all the unqualified leads in your search results.

upload linkedin url linkedin helper

5. Build your message sequences

You have many options to build your LinkedIn message sequences on Linked Helper.

But let’s get pragmatic here: You don’t need a fancy sequence as long as your copywriting is good.

You can use the 3 elements to build a classic message sequence.

build workflow linkedin messages

You only get 100 invitations per week on each account, so you need to be super personalized.

Try to split your prospects between your different accounts. A good strategy is to specialize each account in:

  • an industry
  • a country or a region
  • a persona
  • etc…

When you have done that:

  1. Click on the campaigns you want to activate
  2. Click on Start Campaign Runner

linkedin multiple accounts

You’re all set!

Remember that copywriting is the most important thing in your LinkedIn outbound campaigns.

Before you use any LinkedIn automation tools:

  1. Know your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
  2. Know your Sales Pitch
  3. Use the AIDA copywriting framework for your messages


Can I create 2 LinkedIn accounts with the same email?

No, you can create two LinkedIn accounts with the same email address. When creating a new LinkedIn account, you must provide a different email. Each LinkedIn account has to be associated with a single email.

How many LinkedIn accounts can you have?

You can only have one LinkedIn account to your name, but you can manage multiple LinkedIn accounts if they are associated with other identities.

Can you switch between accounts on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can switch between accounts on LinkedIn.

switch between linkedin account

To do so, you must:

  1. Log out of your account,
  2. Click “Sign In,
  3. Select the account you want to connect with in the displayed list.

What is the best software to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts?

Numerous software facilitate multiple account management. Among the best are Linked Helper, Expandi, LaGrowthMachine, and Waalaxy.

Can I have a personal and business LinkedIn account?

No, you can’t have separate LinkedIn accounts for your personal and professional life.

Even if you have different careers, you can’t create a LinkedIn account for each of these careers.

Can you delete and remake a LinkedIn account?

Yes, you can delete your LinkedIn account and create a new one.

You can reopen your account if it has been closed for less than 14 days, but even if you reopen your account, we will not be able to restore the following:

  • Referrals and endorsements
  • Ignored or pending invitations
  • Followers (top voices, companies, etc.)

So, ensure you get a copy of your data and connections before you delete your account.

What will happen if you have two LinkedIn accounts?

If LinkedIn notices you have two accounts, it can shut them down. Therefore, you must be cautious if you want to make that move.

Moreover, if a user notices you have two different accounts, they can report you. And LinkedIn has the right to terminate your accounts without notice.

Can you have multiple LinkedIn company pages?

While you can’t have two profiles if you have two different businesses, you can create and manage multiple LinkedIn business pages.

And the number of LinkedIn company pages you can create is unlimited. LinkedIn allows you to create company pages in several languages or for subsidiaries.

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