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How To Export LinkedIn Post Likers & Commenters? 2025

Today, LinkedIn is mostly used for its huge professional network.

But let’s not forget that it works like any other social media platform.

You can post content, like and comment on other LinkedIn users’ posts, and have a personal and LinkedIn company page.

export linkedin post likers

As you build your network and your content becomes more popular, you might need to keep track of who engages with you and your competitors’ posts.

You will need LinkedIn scraping tools to analyze and improve your LinkedIn strategy.

In this article, I’ll be talking about:

  1. Why Scrape LinkedIn Post Likers?
  2. How To Export LinkedIn Post Likers?
  3. How To Export LinkedIn Post Commenters?
  4. Can You Export LinkedIn Post Analytics?
  5. 3 Benefits Of Exporting LinkedIn Data.

Why Scrape LinkedIn Post Likers?

People who interact with your LinkedIn content by liking and commenting show more than passive interest.

They demonstrate active engagement and a possible personal or professional stake in the subject.

So it may be intriguing to learn more about them: Who are they? What do they do? Who else do they follow?

why people like your linkedin posts

So, if I post about LinkedIn automation or how to extract LinkedIn accounts, people who like my posts might be interested in the topic and looking for solutions for themselves.

By analyzing who likes and comments on posts related to the problems your product or service addresses, you get:

  1. Audience Insights and Analysis
  2. Lead Generation
  3. Relationship Building
  4. Competitive Analysis

1. Audience Insights And Analysis

Exporting the LinkedIn data of those who like your posts provides invaluable insight into your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

So, analyzing the engagement patterns, the direct line of feedback lets you see which aspects of your content resonate most with your social network.

By understanding the topics, issues, or solutions that generate the most interaction, you can strategically create better content to meet your audience’s interests.

2. Lead Generation

The post-interaction data you get can directly support your lead generation.

LinkedIn profiles who engage with your content may be more likely to be interested in purchasing your products or services.

direct outreach on linkedin

This makes them prime candidates for direct outreach.

So maybe use the data to send them hyper-personalized messages and increase the chances of conversion.

3. Relationship Building

Regular interaction with users who frequently engage with your posts helps build long-term professional relationships.

relationship building on linkedin community

By initiating conversations based on mutual interests, as evidenced by post-interactions, you can foster a sense of community and loyalty essential to sustaining long-term business growth.

4. Competitive Analysis

Finally, understanding how your content performs compared to similar content from competitors can provide strategic insights.

Analyzing engagement can reveal strengths and weaknesses in your and your competitor’s content strategies, providing a clearer picture of what makes content successful in your industry niche.

How To Export LinkedIn Post Likers?

By exporting each LinkedIn profile that follows your content, you build a list of people who interact with you.

Here is how you can export LinkedIn post likers into an Excel or CSV using a scraper tool:

  1. Copy and paste the URL of the post
  2. Paste it into a LinkedIn scraping tool
  3. Download your results in a CSV file

1. Copy and paste the URL of the post

The first to export LinkedIn post likers is to copy-paste the post URL.

linkedin post url

For that:

  1. Find a LinkedIn post
  2. Click on the 3 dots
  3. Click on “Copy link to post” from the dropdown
export linkedin post commenters

2. Paste it into a LinkedIn scraping tool

You can use data extractors, like Phantombuster or TexAu, to export likers and commenters from LinkedIn posts,

For this example, I will use Phantombuster’s LinkedIn Post Likers Export.

export likers from linkedin post

To access it:

  1. Go to the Phantombuster Chrome extension
  2. Click on Solution
  3. Click on LinkedIn
  4. Write “like” in the search bar
  5. Click on the phantom

The first thing Phantombuster asks you to do when you download their browser extension is to get your LinkedIn cookies.

Once you have done that, you can copy and paste the LinkedIn URL of your post into the tool.

paste linkedin post url in scraping tool

You can select the number of likers you want to extract.

However, you’ll want to extract all of them in 99% of cases, so don’t put anything here.

You can do this operation with your posts, but also the post of your competitors.

It’s a great way to steal your competitors’ audience on LinkedIn.

Here is a video tutorial to learn more.

3. Download your results in CSV file

Once you have set up your Phantom, press the launch button and wait a few minutes.

You will see the preview of your data in the “Results” tab.

download linkedin post likers

Here is the data you will get:

  • LinkedIn URL
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Job title
  • Degree of connection
  • Reaction type

After this, you can download the CSV spreadsheet of all the post likers.

How To Export LinkedIn Post Commenters?

To export your LinkedIn post comments:

  1. Copy the URL of your LinkedIn post
  2. Paste it into a LinkedIn scraping tool
  3. Download the results in a CSV file
export linkedin post commenters 1

You can follow the same process described in part one for post likers.

The only difference is that you will use the LinkedIn Post Commenters Export on Phantombuster or TexAu.

Can You Export LinkedIn Post Views?

It is impossible to export LinkedIn post views.

While LinkedIn provides metrics on the number of views, likes, and comments a post receives, this data is only available within the platform’s analytics dashboard.

can you export linkedin post views

Users can view this information for individual posts or their overall profile, but there is no option to download or export the data.

This limitation is due to LinkedIn’s data privacy policies and its desire to keep users on its platform.

Can You Export LinkedIn Post Analytics?

On LinkedIn, you can track your analytics and download them into an Excel file.

LinkedIn provides detailed metrics on post-performance, such as impressions, engagement, and demographics.

With that, LinkedIn provides an API program for page administrators to access company page data and export them into an Excel file.

download linkedin page data into excel

All you have to do is:

  1. Go to your Page Admin view.
  2. Click the Analytics dropdown menu.
  3. Select Visitors, Content, Followers, Competitors, Leads, or Employee Advocacy.
  4. Click the Export button in the top right corner.
  5. Select a time period and click the Export button.
  6. The XLS file will be accessible after downloading.
linkedin analytics data excel sheet

If you want data about your LinkedIn post-performance, you can use a tool like Taplio.

This tool allows getting detailed analytics on your LinkedIn post performances

If your page analytics don’t meet your expectations, learn more about boosting your LinkedIn network and becoming a LinkedIn influencer.

3 Benefits Of Exporting LinkedIn Data

Exporting LinkedIn search results to Excel spreadsheets can have many benefits for different purposes and goals.

Here are some of them:

  1. Build lead lists
  2. Update your CRM contacts
  3. Find Candidates

1. Build Lead Lists

If you are a marketer, salesperson, or business owner, you can use LinkedIn to find and connect with potential customers in your niche or industry.

build lead list from linkedin search exports

When you export leads from LinkedIn data results to Excel, you can build lists of qualified prospects for your LinkedIn outreach campaigns.

You can then use this list to reach out to them on LinkedIn via lead generation campaigns, cold emails, or other channels.

2. Update Your CRM Contacts

When using CRM (customer relationship management) software to manage your B2B leads and customers, you can import your LinkedIn search results to Excel and then upload them to your CRM database.

update crm contact with linkedin search exports

According to HubSpot, 22.5% of B2B data gets deprecated every year.

That is why it’s essential to keep your CRM up to date.

By importing LinkedIn data to your CRM, you can update your contact data, track your interactions, follow up with customers, and nurture them until they become loyal customers.

3. Find Candidates

If you are a recruiter, hiring manager, or employer, you can use LinkedIn to find and connect with potential candidates for your open positions.

build candidates lists with linkedin search export

When you extract data from LinkedIn search results to Excel, you build a list of qualified candidates that match your requirements and preferences.

After which, you can use this list to contact them via email campaignsmessages, or other channels.


Extracting and analyzing LinkedIn post likes, commenters, and other engagement data is critical to maximizing social media strategy.

Using the right tools and approaches, you can gain insights into audience behavior, improve content personalization, and drive greater engagement.


How do I export LinkedIn posts?

To export LinkedIn posts, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your LinkedIn account.
  • Go to Settings & Privacy by clicking your profile icon at the top right of the homepage.
  • Navigate to the Privacy section.
  • Look for a section called How LinkedIn uses your information.
  • Click Get a copy of your data.
  • Download your data or select specific types of data, such as posts.
  • Once you have made your selections, click Request Archive.

You’ll receive an email with a link to download your data when it’s ready.

Depending on the amount of data you request, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

Can you export LinkedIn Post Analytics?

Here’s how to export LinkedIn Post Analytics with the LinkedIn API program:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and switch to the Admin view.
  2. Select the analytics type: visitors, content, followers, competitors, leads, and employee advocacy.
  3. Click the “Export” button on the top right corner.
  4. Download the data in an XLS file.

By exporting your LinkedIn analytics, you can perform deeper data analysis offline and create customized reports based on your specific needs.

What are LinkedIn Post Likes?

LinkedIn Post Likes is a feature that allows users to express their approval or appreciation of content shared on the platform.

When you hover over the Like button, you get different like types:

  • Like
  • Celebrate Button
  • Support
  • Love
  • Insightful
  • Funny
how to like a linkedin post

These interactions allow users to engage with content and increase the visibility of posts within the network.

Posts with more likes and interactions tend to be seen by more people.

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